Friday, April 27, 2012


At the end of last term M2B designed some fantastic Dunedin themed art for a competition Mrs Robertson was holding to find some wonderful art to go on the kick wall by the adventure playground. The background has already been painted and we had to design something that could be found on the land, on the beach, in the water or in the sky in Dunedin. It was very exciting to find out that three of our students had their art work selected (only 12 students were chosen from the entries) and they will get the chance to be involved in painting their design onto the wall. Congratulations to Arissa (sun), Naomi (bird) and Nova (tree) - well done, we can't wait to see your designs up on the wall!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Wednesday the 25 April is ANZAC Day. This is a special day in New Zealand where we honour the soldiers of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli during World War 1. You might see lots of people wearing a red poppy to remember these soldiers and many families also like to attend the ANZAC Day services and parades. I wonder how Model 2B will celebrate ANZAC Day? You might like to share how your family celebrates ANZAC Day when you come back to school - and don't forget that ANZAC Day is also a public holiday so there is no school on Wednesday this week.


Hi Model 2B,
I have been having a great holiday. I went to Twizel for Easter and I had so much fun fishing. I was super excited to catch my very first fish and I got to play by the lake and explore the canals. I went camping and slept in a tent with my new friend Jack (Mrs O's son) and Easter Bunny even left me a delicious chocolate easter egg. Yum!

I can't wait to see all your smiley faces back at school.
See you soon,
Love Harry


Grayson enjoys cooking at home and he thought you might like to try one of his favourite recipes - for yummy meatballs! He has written some step by step instructions for you to follow but remember to ALWAYS have an adult supervise you when you are cooking. It is great to see Grayson sharing his strengths with us - maybe if you make these with your family you could email us a picture to add to the blog. Thanks Grayson, I bet Model 2B will love trying these out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


During Term 1 lots of the kids in Model 2B were busy playing a range of sports including T-Ball, Flippa Ball, Cricket and Rippa Rugby. Congratulations to all the kids in Model 2B that played a sport this season. Here is Liam at the T-Ball prize-giving.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Look at our cute Easter Bunny paintings!


We made a cool movie to show at assembly about how to keep safe during the Easter holidays. We hope you enjoy our movie.


In Model 2B we have been learning how to write character descriptions. Have a read of some of the wonderful descriptions of the Easter Bunny.

The Easter Bunny comes on Easter. Easter is on April the 9th. The Easter Bunny has a white belly like a soft pillow. He has fluffy ears like a soft blanket. He can hop high like a kangaroo.


I am a soft bunny. I have colourful egg treats in my basket. I can hop really high. I have floppy ears. I have a grey bow tie. I have a red little nose. I like to hide my colourful chocolate eggs. I have a soft little tummy. I have little bunny paws. I am orange like an orange book. I only come on Easter. I have green eyes like a green iPod or iPhone. I have a fluffy tail like a fluffy cloud. I have a brown basket like brown yummy chocolate. I give good children chocolate eggs.


The bunny is going to my house.


The Easter Bunny comes at Easter. He hides treats in my garden. His ears are as fluffy as wool and his tummy is as soft as blankets. He also has fluffy ears.


The Easter Bunny has colourful eyes. He has a white belly and it is like a soft, warm, cuddly bed. He has pink ears like a girls bedroom. He has colourful chocolate eggs. He is coming to my house. I can’t wait.



This week we made some colourful collage Easter Eggs. Check them out!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Dear Model 2B,
Have a very happy Easter and a safe and relaxing holiday. Miss B and I look forward to seeing all your smiley faces next term.
From Mrs O and Harry

Monday, April 2, 2012


Don't forget that M2B are hosting this week's assembly on Thursday afternoon. We hope lots of you can come and join us in the hall from 2.15pm. See you there!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


This term we have been learning about Character Writing. We have been practising writing character descriptions which tell the audience lots of interesting things about our chosen characters. We have been learning to add detail by including adjectives and similes. Here are a few for you to enjoy...

My Dad likes watching rugby. He has prickly whiskers like a cactus. My Dad has to wear glasses because his eyes are bad. I like my Dad. He has black hair like a blackbird. My Dad's job is a teacher. He teaches at Otago Girls High School. My dad's name is Justin.
By Liam

My Mum is tall. My Mum takes me to the beach.
By Domonic

My Dad he is a good Dad. He works in Nelson. He is an apple picker and he's got lots of money and when he comes back to Dunedin my family will be rich. He's got glasses and I call him Papa and he's got light black hair like a cloud and he's funny. Sometimes he holds the computer to check and I love him and he likes to look after us.
By Joseph

My Mum is baking cupcakes. She is a good baker.
By Ethan V

My Dad runs very fast and he works at a work and he watches the All Blacks win and he's my flipperball coach. My dad plays with me and I like my Dad. He is special to me because he looks like me when he was little but he didn't have big hair like me and he's the biggest in our family.
By Kiri

My Dad's name is Jeramy. He is a painter. I call my Dad Daddy. He used to play rugby but he broke his arm because he was in a scrum. He has brown hair. I love him.
By Ethan D