Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This term we will continue to have a construction box as a creative reading activity in the classroom. It would be appreciated if you could send along any small boxes, tubes, clean pottles etc which the children could use to create their own objects. THANK YOU!


This afternoon we talked about how to keep safe at a swimming pool. Miss Barnett showed us a really cool website and we played a game to check that we knew how to keep safe in the pool. We earned a certificate for getting all the answers right. If you would like to play the pool safety game yourself, here is the link:

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Don't forget that this Wednesday (29th Feb) is our first swimming session at the DNI pool. Remember to bring your swimming togs, a towel and goggles in a named swimming bag. Please ask Mum or Dad to name your clothing too as sometimes clothes get muddled up in the changing room.
For our Mums, Dads, and Grandparents who are helping, we will be leaving school promptly at 11am. Don't forget if you just want to pop along and watch we are swimming between 11.30 and 12. We look forward to seeing you!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Yesterday afternoon Model 2B got to see our caterpillar spinning it's chrysalis. It was quite amazing to watch! Now we have to wait about 14 days for it to hatch. Meanwhile...

Today at morning tea time our first butterfly hatched out. Sadly in all the excitement someone forgot about the important rule of not touching the butterfly when it emerges. This is because it's wings need time to dry so that it can get ready to fly. Our poor butterfly had oozy stuff coming out of one of it's wings and Mrs O had to very carefully rescue it and put it back on our swan plant. It looks like it might have trouble flying with it's sore wing but we have our fingers crossed that it will be ok.


One of the things that is great about being in Model 2B is that our older children help our younger students. This year we have lots of Year 3 children in our class which means we have lots of great role models and helpers.
Every Friday we have our weekly spelling test. Some of the Year 3 children get to help by testing the spelling words just like the teacher! If we get all our words correct we get to put our name in the prize draw, and this week Maia was our Speller of the Week. Well done Maia!
Remember to bring your spelling notebook to school every Friday otherwise you miss out on the chance to be in the draw!


Wow! Look at our awesome artwork. We have been learning about colour mixing in Model 2B and we thought we did a great job of making the colour orange by mixing red and yellow paint together. These Monarch butterflies look just as good as the real thing!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


At GSNS we are focusing on Respect as our Value of the Term. Model 2B had lots of great ideas about how we can show respect. Our colourful spaceships are carrying our respect messages across space so that others can find out all the different ways we can show respect.


M2B have been reading stories about Greedy Cat written by one of our favourite authors - Joy Cowley. Greedy Cat gets into lots of mischief sneaking food out of Mum's shopping bag and visiting the local school to help the children eat their lunch. No wonder he is called Greedy Cat! The wonderful artwork you can see here was created by Phoebe and Grayson.


This week M2B started learning about character writing with Mrs O. We found out that a character description tells you lots of interesting things about a person or animal including what they look like, what they like to do, and interesting facts about them. We decided to write a shared character description about Harry our class pet. We included lots of adjectives and even some similes! Then we decided to illustrate our story with some sketches of Harry. Here are a few of them. We think they look a lot like Harry! To read our character description, pop into M2B and check it out. We think you'll enjoy reading it!


M2B have been fascinated by our Swan plant recently. We have noticed some changes. Can you see what has been happening? That's right! We have a chrysalis that has gone very black and we think it might hatch into a beautiful butterfly at any time! Our other caterpillar is hanging upside down as well, getting ready to turn into a chrysalis. It's very exciting.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


On Wednesday we got to see a real police car. The police officer turned the sirens on. They were really loud like a band! Everybody heard it. The police officer taught us about road safety and to be careful of cars especially when they are reversing.

By Model 2B

Monday, February 13, 2012


Come along this Thursday night, 16 February to meet your children's teachers Miss Natalie Barnett and Mrs Monique O'Sullivan. We will all be meeting in the Hall at 7.15pm then moving into our classrooms to outline our learning programme. We would love to see you then.


This year M2B have a new class friend - Harry the Schnauzer! Each week a M2B student will be chosen to take Harry home for a weekend adventure and record a short story about their time together in Harry’s book. This will be shared with the class as part of the writing programme. Children are welcome to be creative in their writing and can add their own imaginative thoughts to add interest to the story. Children are also welcome to add photos or their own pictures of Harry to the book. It would be appreciated if Harry and his book could be returned to school on Mondays please.


On Tuesday morning Imogen brought her cute fluffy bunnies to visit. We got to pat them and give them a cuddle. Imogen and her Mum saved the bunnies as they had been abandoned at Ross Creek. They live a happy, healthy life now!


In Model 2B this year there are 19 super kids. We are lucky because in our class we have Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 students. The older children in our class help to look after the younger children and we a like a big family! We have two great teachers, Miss Barnett and Mrs O'Sullivan. They keep us extra busy with lots of fun learning experiences!


Welcome to Model 2B's new blog for 2012. On this blog we will share with you all the great things we are doing at George Street Normal School. Feel free to leave us any comments. We would love to hear from you!